It may seem trivial, but when you are your own boss, you need to responsibly schedule time off.
This is particularly important with a home-based business where you only have yourself to answer to. It is very easy to fritter time away and be unaware of the negative impact it has on your business. It is also easy to get so wrapped up in business activities that you neglect yourself and your family and friends.
Remember the movie, The Shining, with Jack Nicholson? Whenever I find myself spending too much time on my business, I think about the character, Jack, while he was working on his book. When his wife checked on his manuscript, all it said was "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" over and over and over.
Make sure when you need a day off, or a mini vacation, that you plan ahead. Mark it on your calendar and let your business associates know that you will be unavailable. Make a commitment to stay away from your computer…don't check emails and don't "check-in" with your clients or customers.
Learn to get away, even if you stay home.
- Play a board game with your family.
- Take a walk.
- Lay in your hammock.
- Garden.
- Read a book.
- Learn Origami
- Hunt for Dust Bunnies.
- Do Yoga.
- Teach your kids to fish.
- Go dancing with your friends.
When you want to plan more time off for a vacation or the holidays, decide on your time frame, and stick to it. Free your mind of business obligations and world worries. Enjoy your time off!
Commit to a time to return to work and stick to it. Get right back into your usual business activities and routine.
You deserve a rest…take a break and enjoy yourself!
You will return to your business refreshed and energized to take it to the next level.
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